179 research outputs found


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    This article aims to contribute to a new planning policy in the innovative products development. To do so, it presents a new modeling proposal to integrate technological innovation and new product development (NPD) in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Treated With Pulsed Laser Nd:YAG for turbines for Aerospace Industry, carried out according to the following stages: Phase 1: Modeling of the information needs; Phase 2: Determining of technology integration dimensions to the product; Phase 3: Evaluation of performance of technology integration dimensions to the product. To demonstrate the feasibility and plausibility of the modeling, a case study was conducted in a high tech company in Brazil (hypothetical application). The investigation was helped by the intervention of specialists with technical and scientific knowledge about the research object. To reduce subjectivity in the results, the following methods were used: Law of Categorical Judgment - psychometric scaling of Thurstone (1927), Multivariate Analysis statistical methods and method Compromise Programming, Electre III and Promethee II - multi-criteria analysis; and Neurofuzzy Technology. It is hoped that this study will stimulate a broad debate on the issue and it is acknowledged that more studies are needed to build more robust results in the near future. The results were satisfactory, validating the present proposa

    A relação Universidade-Indústria: um caso de transferência da tecnologia em engenharia mecânica e Gestão Industrial

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    A inovação nas pequenas e médias empresas industriais do ramo da Engenharia Mecânica émuitas vezes inexistente ou incipiente, podendo ser facilmente incrementada através de umestreito relacionamento e cooperação com as Universidades e/ou os seus Institutos deInterface. Neste contexto, a Universidade do Porto, através do Departamento de EngenhariaMecânica e Gestão Industrial da Faculdade de Engenharia, fundou em 1986 o INEGI -Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, com a missão de reforçar a cooperaçãoentre esta Universidade e o meio empresarial. O INEGI participa activamente, há 21 anos, nodesenvolvimento da indústria nacional contribuindo com conhecimento e competênciasdistintas na área da Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, assumindo a missão de:Contribuir para o aumento da competitividade da indústria nacional através da investigação edesenvolvimento, demonstração, transferência de tecnologia e formação nas áreas deconcepção e projecto, materiais, produção, energia, manutenção, gestão industrial eambiente. Desde a sua criação, o INEGI tem tido um crescimento sustentado, tendodesenvolvido mais de 1300 projectos para organizações públicas e privadas, estando nestemomento numa fase de internacionalização, através do estabelecimento de protocolos eprojectos conjuntos com instituições internacionais.Esta comunicação pretende demonstrar as vantagens que as empresas podem obter, através deuma ligação ás Universidades e Institutos de Interface, no desenvolvimento de materiais,produtos e processos tecnológicos, permitindo assim aumentar a sua competitividade. Asáreas de intervenção dos projectos inovadores aqui focados abrangem uma grande variedadede temas multidisciplinares, desde as energias renováveis, desenvolvimento de processostecnológicos e sistemas mecânicos, materiais compósitos, prototipagem rápida e tecnologiasavançadas de produção e gestão industrial

    Design as a vehicle for using waste of fishing nets and ropes to create new products

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    The world's oceans are full of discarded debris thatdegrades and sinks or drifts ashore. In 1997, the NationalAcademy of Science, estimated that, per year, about 6.4 million ofdebris are dumped in the oceans. The debris in the oceans havevarious origins: sewages, industries, dumpsters and trash left bypeople on beaches - about 80% of the trash found in the ocean wasoriginated on earth and only 20% derives from marine activitiessuch as fishing. One of the phenomena leading to the entrapmentand killing of many animals are ghost nets, which are lostaccidentally or deliberately in the oceans usually by fishermen thatbeing pushed by currents can also damage and destroy coral reefsaffecting all the marine ecosystem. According to UNEP, it isestimated that there are 640.000 tons of ghost nets worldwide,corresponding up to 10% of the waste in the oceans whichrepresents a big threat to marine fauna. With this paper, it isintended to show how Design contributes to the transformation ofmarine debris into new raw materials to create new services andproducts. Currently, there are already being developed solutionsto reuse fishing ropes and nets by transforming them into nylonyarn for the production of clothes and carpets. Also Bureo, aCalifornia and Chile-based start-up, is recycling fishing nets toproduce skateboards and more recently, sunglasses. Through thisresearch, it was intended to study the potential of waste fromfishing activities and the best way to transform them into rawmaterial, valuing them by promoting sustainable, ecological andeconomically viable products. After selecting the study subject reuse of fishing ropes and nets - it was initiated the collection ofinformation and problem analysis to justify the conduct of theresearch, followed by the collection of the referred waste fromHidurbe in Docapesca at Matosinhos's Port to start the respectiveanalysis. Some experiments and tests have been conducted in theMechanical Engineering Department at Faculty of Engineering ofUniversity of Porto to identify the polymers that were picked inorder to use the most suitable material for the development of newsolutions. Furthermore, an injection molding machine and siliconemold - using human force for compression - was used to know thebehaviour of using 100% recycled material. The aim, by creatingproducts from fishing gear waste, is to raise awareness and appealto recycling in order to contribute to the preservation of marineecosystem. Design plays an important role in the development ofsustainable solutions produced by recyclable waste, extending thelife cycle of materials, serving society again

    Design for sustainability in future scenarios in the self-service food packaging sector

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    The increase in the reciprocal demand of the packaging and food industries currently promotes a volume of waste that is disproportionate to an efficient management in terms of environmental, socio-ethical, economical and political sustainability. In this context, this research proposes the development of a methodology to define strategies that provide parameters for decisions guided by Design for Sustainability. It is anchored in the principle that the discontinuity of the current patterns of production and consumption is essential to achieve transformations with more promising results. This precept was related to Future Studies and in its premise to establish parameters that configure changes of perspective, as well as a deep awareness of the implications that involve the making of decisions. In this field of research, the recognition and adaptation of the Future Workshop method and the creation of Scenarios were highlighted. In this juncture, the scenarios obtained evidenced the aid they can provide for the elaboration of strategies that better lead to a preferable future. In order to seek a verification of this finding, an experiment was developed resulting in a system-packaging concept complementing the applicability of the proposed methodological structure.Keywords: design for sustainability, packaging, food, self-service, future studies, scenarios

    When design and marketing meet

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    When design and marketing meet

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    A mechanical analysis of polydicyclopentadiene with metal inserts through flexural load

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    Polydicyclopentadiene (PDCPD) is being used in several products with particular success regarding to weight reduction and surface finish improvement. Despite the enough good mechanical properties presented by this thermosetting polymer, it needs to be adequately reinforced in applications requiring extra structural stability. This work studies the improvement of mechanical properties that may be achieved in PDCPD components reinforced with over-moulded steel wires by using the reaction injection moulding (RIM). Specimens, with and without metal inserts, were produced by using a special dedicated developed prototype RIM mould to be submitted to three point bending test, according to EN ISO 178:2003 standard. This paper presents and discusses the results obtained from the flexural tests, which allow concluding that the solution could be industrially used in feasible and advantageous conditions.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Fundos FEDER, Programa Operacional para Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE, projeto 1384

    Competencias convergentes de los estudiantes: experiencia educativa con futuros diseñadores industriales e ingenieros mecánicos

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    Desde la cultura académica y empresarial se sabe que los productos de diseño, de gran impacto en la sociedad, surgen en su mayoría de una ‘receta’ que cuenta con aportes de otras áreas y habilidades científicas, a saber, la ingeniería mecánica. Sin embargo, durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las carreras de Diseño Industrial e Ingeniería Mecánica, no es habitual que estas habilidades se mezclen antes de llegar a la vida profesional. Este estudio de caso realizado en la Universidad de Oporto muestra precisamente esta experiencia.From academic and business culture, it is known that design products, with a great impact on society, arise mostly from a “recipe” that relies on contributions from other areas and scientific skills, namely mechanical engineering. However, during the teaching-learning process of Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering courses, it is not usual for these skills to mix before arriving in professional life. This case study carried out at the University of Porto shows precisely this experience.Da cultura académica e empresarial é sabido que os produtos de design, com grande impacto na sociedade, surgem na sua maioria de uma “receita”que conta com os contributos de outras áreas e competências científicas, nomeadamente da engenharia mecânica. Porém, durante o processo formativo de ensino-aprendizagem dos cursos de Design Industrial e Engenharia Mecânica, não é habitual que essas competências se misturem antes da chegada à vida profissional. Este estudo de caso realizado na Universidade do Porto, mostra precisamente essa vivência

    Experiencia de usuario positiva, durante el proceso de diseño de materiales y la influencia de los factores demográficos

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    Este documento revela la influencia de factores demográficos en la percepción del usuario respecto de materiales emergentes confeccionados con desechos del sector manufacturas de productos plásticos. Como construcciones de experiencia positiva de usuario, en el estudio se adoptaron cinco atributos: ecológico, acogedor, atractivo, lujoso, confortable. Se identificaron relaciones centradas en la percepción usuaria y su origen demográfico. La metodología consideró el levantamiento de información, mediante un cuestionario auto-aplicado, con preguntas estructuradas con diferencial semántico. Un total de 46 personas participaron en el estudio. Los resultados indican que los atributos percibidos en cada uno de los prototipos de nuevos materiales, presentan diferencias significativas en términos de las valoraciones asociadas a su percepción. Las conclusiones están referidas a las implicancias de los factores demográficos para la práctica del diseño, cuyo conocimiento puede ayudar al proceso creativo, para una experiencia de usuario positiva.This document reveals the influence of demographic factors on the user’s perception of emerging materials made with waste from the plastic products manufacturing sector. As constructs of positive user experience, the study adopted five attributes: ecological, welcoming, attractive, luxurious, comfortable. Relationships centered on user perception and their demographic origin were identified. The methodology considered the gathering of information, through a self-applied questionnaire, with structured questions with semantic differential. A total of 46 people participated in the study. The results indicate that the attributes perceived in each of the prototypes of new materials present significant differences in terms of the valuations associated with their perception. The conclusions refer to the implications of demographic factors for the practice of design, whose knowledge can help the creative process, for a positive user experience.Este documento revela a influência de fatores demográficos na percepção do usuário sobre os materiais emergentes produzidos com resíduos do setor de fabricação de produtos plásticos. Como construtos da experiência positiva do usuário, o estudo adotou cinco atributos: ecológico, acolhedor, atraente, luxuoso, confortável. Identificaram-se relacionamentos centrados na percepção do usuário e sua origem demográfica. A metodologia considerou a coleta de informações, por meio de questionário autoaplicável, com questões estruturadas com diferencial semântico. Um total de 46 pessoas participaram do estudo. Os resultados indicam que os atributos percebidos em cada um dos protótipos de novos materiais apresentam diferenças significativas ao nível das avaliações associadas à sua percepção. As conclusões referem-se às implicações dos fatores demográficos para a prática do design, cujo conhecimento pode auxiliar no processo criativo, para uma experiência positiva do usuário